Soul Care Uganda

The ministry of Soul Care in Uganda was officially introduced in the cities of Bukoto and Kampala and God continues to open doors.

After hearing the SC teachings in Bukoto two men who were prison officers shared what the teaching had done in their lives. They requested permission to talk to their boss in the prison so that they could organize the SC teaching for the prisoners.

From Bukoto, the journey to Kampala began at 3:00 in the morning. By 10:00am 75 people had gathered in a slum area at the church of Pastor Gideon Musambi.  On the second day of the conference, one elderly Pastor came and testified that in a dream one lady appeared to him and said “I have been sent to you. Go to Pastor Gideon’s church and listen and hear the teaching. There are pastors from Kenya teaching.” He reasoned with himself that he was too busy to attend and that his standards would not allow him to go and sit in a slum area to hear the teaching, but he believed it was a command to go. When he arrived and heard the SC teaching from Kenya he knew that God had sent him. The total number in attendance was 136 for all 3 days in Kampala city.

On another trip we were able to travel to a small island in Eastern Uganda. Seven different churches from different denominations, pastors, women leaders and church leaders attended the Soul care trainings for 3 days. They said that “God from heaven has seen them and heard their prayers by sending you with the true teachings from His own heart to us on the Island of Chegusi.”

While English and Swahili are the official languages of Uganda – it was our joy to provide manuals in Kigandi for those who attended the Soul Care Teaching during our third visit.  We thank God for His doings and wonders in this country and we are aware of the enemy’s attacks.  On the way to Kayunga, Brother Godfrey was attacked in his stomach.

He was the first to speak and was in bad condition, but as he said “I encouraged myself in the Lord. By the end of the sermon I was totally healed and also the seminar participants who were suffering  from different diseases were healed”


On our last day of the seminar we made a call for people to come forward so we could pray with them.  When  we were worshiping the Lord the house was filled with a great presence and people were touched with God’s anointing. many of them were filled with the power of the Holy Ghost and were delivered from power of darkness and some were just rolling on the ground crying for the Lord.

On our most recent trip to Uganda – God put it on our hearts to reach the Elderly.  In Kamuli – the message was clear.  God was calling the elderly people “to go and call their children, sit with them, talk to them, have meals together and if they have done anything wrong, if they have spoken any evil word to them to repent of their sins and God shall begin a new life through them. Pastor Gordon, who is from Kamuli, blessed some of them with blankets and mattresses.  It was amazing to hear some of them say that since they were born they have never slept on a mattress. It was a great joy for them.

The doors God has opened continue to exceed all that we can hope or imagine!  He is to be Praised!