Our History

What began as a local “prayer ministry” has been mobilized by God into communities around the world.

It all started with a small group of women who believed that God wanted to heal their souls. In prayer they listened for His voice to replace Satan’s lies with truth and they were set free! Their souls were satisfied in God alone and they began to share with others the power of God to set captives free from bondage to Satan’s lies.

In the Spring of 2006, a prayer ministry was started at First flamingos_largeEvangelical Free Church in Austin, Texas called “Soul Care”. One year later, an e-mail request for prayer was received from Brother Godfrey Simiyu Mutoka, a pastor in Lugulu, Kenya.

He wrote – “One evening after supper, our family had a worship service and prayer for one hour. When I was in prayer, the word came to my heart SOUL CARE MINISTRY. I wrote that word in my notebook and went to bed. The word soul care ministry continued to sink into my heart for the whole night. The following day, I traveled to Bungoma to the internet where I browsed the web and found your church and ministry. And this is God’s doing in my life.”

On September 14, 2008 – a group of three women traveled to Nairobi, Kenya to meet Brother Godfrey. They had no connections, no agenda and only knew this man from e-mail conversations. But it was a Divine Appointment and God used it to birth a new ministry called Soul Care International.

Only God’s ability to rapidly mobilize can explain what has happened since.