Soul Care Rwanda

Small seeds planted in the soil of God’s Truth reap a bountiful harvest!

Our first Soul Care meetings in Rwanda were held in Kigali City at a small estate called Nyamilambo which means “corpse”. The people were not in a large number (42 attended) but two ladies gave a wonderful testimony, one received a miracle from the Lord. She had been suffering from Anaemia for over six years but when she heard the word of God and  took faith, she received her healing instantly. Another lady was suffering for two years with bleeding and she also received her miracle after repenting of the lies of the devil and replacing them with the truth of God. All Glory to God.

Three years later when we returned to Rwanda for more Soul Care seminars – it was evident from the beginning that the devil was challenging our plans.  He tried in vain to interrupt travel, to cause trouble with financial support and to steal the time available for teaching and prayer – but we give thanks to God that his efforts were unsuccessful.

53 Pastors and church leaders were in attendance and accepted the challenge to allow God to replace generations of lies with His truth for healing of this nation and it began with the leaders.  One Pastor wrote to say that God healed him through the Soul Care teachings and he had already shared the truth with his church.

One year after our second trip to Rwanda we returned for a third time and went upcountry to Kagooge.  In this remote village 85 people came to hear the Soul Care message and were also taught on Spiritual Warfare and on God’s Image. The Spirit of God and the anointing of God’s presence was manifested in a big way! Truly the timing is right for God’s truth to be declared in this Country especially in those remote areas that are difficult to access.  As God grants us HIS favor we will continue to reach out to those who are hungry for truth.

We celebrate the Glory of God and the continued ministry HE has given us in Rwanda.